| House Battery Not Charging When Plugged In (2024)

We are excited to announce several enhancements to the web and app experience, which will be available starting Thursday, April 25th.Click here for more information.

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Please reload the page.", true, false) } } }).done(function (response) { console.log('reply draft created'); console.log('draftid:' + response.DraftID); draftid = response.DraftID; $('#draftid' + id).val(response.DraftID); editor.InitEditor( id, bodytype, draftid, groupurl, csrf, handleAttachments, noFontChanges, true, false, body, sig, onInitFunc ); editor.InitPostDraft(id, draftid, csrf, groupurl); console.log('id=' + id); $('#bodytype' + id).val(bodytype); $('#cancel-' + id).attr( 'onclick', 'editor.discardReplyDraft("' + id + '", "' + draftid + '","' + bodytype + '","' + csrf + '","' + groupurl + '");' ); return; }); return; } editor.InitEditor( id, bodytype, draftid, groupurl, csrf, handleAttachments, noFontChanges, true, false, body, sig, onInitFunc ); editor.InitPostDraft(id, draftid, csrf, groupurl); $('#bodytype' + id).val(bodytype); $('#cancel-' + id).attr( 'onclick', 'editor.discardReplyDraft("' + id + '", "' + draftid + '","' + bodytype + '","' + csrf + '","' + groupurl + '");' ); console.log('DONE'); }, // discardReplyDraft deletes the draft and any attachments and returns the user to the previous page. discardReplyDraft: function (id, draftid, bodytype, csrf, groupurl) { console.log('editor delete reply draft'); upload = { draftid: draftid, csrf: csrf, jsondelete: '1' }; $.ajax({ url: groupurl + '/draftop', cache: false, data: upload, method: 'POST', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, dataType: 'json' }).done(function (response) { // Do something with the request console.log("success delete reply draft"); $('#draftid' + id).val(''); if (bodytype == 'html') { tinymce.get('editor' + id).remove(); } $('#subject' + id).val($('#origsubject' + id).val()); $('#editor' + id).val(''); modDeletedDraft = true; modDestroyedEditor = true; }); }, PreviewMarkdown: function (id, groupurl) { let markdown = $('#editor' + id).val(); upload = { md: markdown }; $.ajax({ url: groupurl + '/previewmd', cache: false, data: upload, method: 'POST', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, dataType: 'json' }).done(function (response) { // Do something with the request console.log(response.markdown); wrap = '

' + response.markdown + '

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House Battery Not Charging When Plugged In

Jim Poulin

  • All Messages By This Member


Today I noticed that the house batteries do not charge when I am plugged into shore power. I get a reading of the battery level of 12.7 volts but it is usually around 13.5 or so when plugged in. (reading from the cigarette lighter plug near the dinette.)

The power to the house is on (switch by the door). When plugged in to shore power the fridge switches to AC power (from propane) and the microwave works. Just no house battery charging.

Unrelated (I think) but interesting, when I start the engine, the house batteries do charge.

Is the Power Converter dead or is there a fuse that may have blown?

Any help on debugging this is appreciated!

Jim P
2007 View J

Don Phillipe
  • All Messages By This Member


I'd measure the very large (relative to the bunch) black and green wire in the converter fuse panel with it plugged in and see if you get 13.6-13.8V and if you do, then consider the converter/charger OK and check in your center console for the 40A breaker popped. | House Battery Not Charging When Plugged In (3)

Don - 2006 Navion - J
N. American Traveler (AK - PAN)
Full-time, Irreverent Vagabond - Wandering Aimlessly
850W, 560aH, micro-split A/C, Yaris Toad
KO2 rear, Agilis front
Snarky and over-elevated ego

Jim Poulin

  • All Messages By This Member


Thanks for the great diagram Don!

I checked the output on the converter and it was the same as the battery level (12.6 volts).

Just for grins, I checked the 40 amp fuse in the center console. It was passing 12.6 volts so it is fine.

Looks like I am in the market for a new controller.

Thanks for your help.

2007 View J

John Kirby

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I don't know about the 2007 model but our converter is fed 120 v from a 15 amp breaker in the coach AC/DC panel. It might be worth checking to see if your's is also, it may just be a tripped breaker.

JohnK 2016 VJ PNW

Don Phillipe
  • All Messages By This Member


You are welcome!

If you are considering adding an inverter and a "true" upgrade in the form of a more powerful converter/charger to your system, since the output of any converter you buy that will fit in that small hole is going to be limited by both the space and the wiring harness going to it, I might recommend that you select a device that has an output of 70-80A (instead of the stock 40A) which means you can charge your batteries in a little over an hour (with the right converter - and this is in contrast to the 36 hours the old stock converter took to charge a house set of GC2s up to 100%)). With the open space in the water heater closet to go larger, one can then purchase a much more powerful model.

With this strategy, you can just leave the existing one in tact and add the new components to the water heater closet. I ran 10' of welding cable from my battery up under the floor to the water heater closet and mounted a 2000W PSW inverter on the top of the hot water heater closet and piggy backed a PD9280 charger/converter on top which ends up being directly under it when speaking from a gravitational pull perspective. I still use the PD9280 for my newest lithium setup up, but with only the bulk stage controlled by the "charge wizard" of that PD9280. Believe it or not, the stock one like yours that just burned out is still working in my unit and it keep the dual 280aH at float voltage. (Your converter would have to handle that and thus my suggestion to go with a lithium supporting converter/charger to match your new lithium bank if you choose this new route.) If your plan would be to immediately to go with lithium, then you'd of course be better off going with a supply with a lithium charge setting if lithium is in the picture. A set of 4 3.2 280aH prismatics can be ordered from Ali in China if you don't mind the 3 month wait for a cost of a little under $500 for 280aH. Add a $100 BMS and you have a system that actually costs significantly less than a couple of Trojan T105 AGMs and you've got 280aH of usable power rather than about 120aH (at 50% utilization).

Still even if you don't choose a lithium solution, it might be a good time to increase your converter/charging capacity and equip it for lithium support and go ahead and install it on the roof of the water heater closet, assuming you want to go that route. My theory is if one is going to pay $300 for a very small upgrade, a $350 price to improve an extreme amount is not all that large a deal.

A good selection of converters can be found being sold by Randy at

Don - 2006 Navion - J

Don Phillipe
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Wrong URL .... Here's the correct one.

Leonard R Casella

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In your 2007, the converter shares a breaker with the refrigerator, so if your refrigerator shifts to AC operation when you plug in, breaker is not cleared. Might want to check breaker connection for converter, it is attached to the refrigerator breaker from a pigtail on the refrigerator connection. Check the reverse power fuses on the fuse panel (the 30 amp ones). They connect the converter output to fuse panel and if either clear, the fuse panel voltage will be battery terminal voltage. If fuses are good, the converter has failed since you are using a reading from the plug at dinette which is connected to fuse panel, not the battery. Position of the main 40-amp breaker has no impact on the reading if plugged in. Most common converter replacement for 07 VNs is the Progressive Dynamics 4645. It mounts into the original power panel and comes with a new fuse section.
Len 12NJ Krumsville, Pa

Don Phillipe
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I believe it is the 7100 series but that may not be correct. A schematic for this unit is not available but 30A fuses sounds almost as if the unit doesn't produce more than 30A, which has been my own experience.experience. | House Battery Not Charging When Plugged In (7)

Don - 2006 Navion - J
N. American Traveler (AK - PAN)
Full-time, Irreverent Vagabond - Wandering Aimlessly
850W, 560aH, micro-split A/C, Yaris Toad
KO2 rear, Agilis front
Snarky and over-elevated ego

Don Phillipe
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Let's try another way of capturing that photo .... | House Battery Not Charging When Plugged In (9)
Don - 2006 Navion - J

Jim Poulin

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I replaced the power converter with a new PD 4645. I took my time double and triple checking everything along the way. The whole process took under two hours.

Everything seems in order now!

Thanks for all the advice.

2007 View J

Lee Haefele

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Just checking, has the switch by the door been pushed to the ON position? No charging will happen if not AND the green light stays lit anytime the converter is powered and working, even with the switch in the OFF position, which does not charge.

Lee Haefele

Don Phillipe
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What are you doing with the old one?
Don - 2006 Navion - J

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.